
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

உளச்சார்புப் பரீட்சை - இசை, நடனம், சித்திரமும் வடிவமைப்பும்

Admissions – Ramanathan Acadamy of Fine Arts

University of Jaffna,Srilanka.
Ramanathan Acadamy of Fine Arts
University Admissions – Academic Year 2018/2019

Applications to sit for the Aptitude Test to follow the Degree course in Bachelor of Fine Arts-Music,Dance,and Art & Design.
Applications are hereby invited for the above aptitude test from the eligible candidates who passes the minimum university admission requirements for the academic year 2018/2019 upto 14th March 2019.

Eligibility for Admissions

The candidate who wishes to prefer the courses of Music,Dance,and Art & Design should have obtained credit pass in each subject and at least ordinary passes in other two subjects in the Advanvced level examination 2018.(University Admission Hand Book Page 36 Section-09)

Aptitude Test

One who applies for university admission should sit for aptitude test or performance test conducted by the University of Jaffna.
Music,Dance-Performance Test
Art & Design – Practical and Aptitude Test


Submission of Application

Applicants are required to prepare their own application form in accordance with the format given below on A-4 size paper or obtaining forms from the Admission Branch of the University of Jaffna or down load from the university web site Application should accompany with a paying in voucher obtianed from any branch of the Peoples Bank for Rs.300/= drawn in favour of the University of Jaffna Account no 162100160000880 (University Branch)being the fee for the particular test,(Cheques or postal orders will not be accepted) along with certified photocopy of G.C.E(A/L) result sheet certified by the principal of the school or a Justice of Peace.
The application should be sent under registered cover to reach the Deputy Registrar/Admissions, University of Jaffna on or before 14-03-2019.The title of the test should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
The applications of the candidates those who do not passess the minimum admission requirements and applications which do not accompany with the paying in voucher,certified photocopy of G.C.E(A/L) result sheet and late applications will be rejected.Admission card for performance /Aptitude test will be sent to you in due course.
For further details contact-021 222 6714
University of Jaffna.

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